Saturday, April 21, 2012

surrender, Beloved... or we (all of me) will do it for you~

Here I AM again, in this place, this place where the Greater Me, the multi-dimensional self is face to face with my very sensitive human self, being contracted and "schooled" 
by the universe. Most of the time, I walk in this world, knowing that I AM extremely capable, a co-creator with SOURCE/GOD/DESS, manifesting my heart's desires, creatively, birthing new visions from ancient wisdom..... yes, most of the time, i do a commendable job, juggling the many aspects of my life. But in my eternal quest to bring forth my Souls' mission and stand in the greatest  expression of my true self, as a woman, mother, teacher, healer and singer, continuously evolving and incarnating, being the "holy vessel", on top of being the best Mom i know how to be and doing my best to be the beloved partner i want to be....welllllll  lets just say the universe occasionally has her way with me, and here I AM in this familiar place of "Surrender". Not the "I give up" surrender, but the, take a deep deep breath, because I AM no longer sailing the smooth waters of life. Rather, "you have now entered the perilous, unknown and crashing waves are inevitable" in this dark ocean of mystery, or maybe we should say womb of the unknown. ((gulp and exhale)). I AM conscious enough (enter gratitude) to remember that all i need to know, all i need to remember is revealing itself to me because i have asked for the wisdom from SPIRIT. And Spirit comes to me through direct connection and through Other souls who i have asked to be my mirror. In this surrender, i become witness to my action and inaction of the past and present.  I AM open to understanding what has brought me to this place of discomfort and I AM asking, "what AM I doing to perpetuate this outcome i find myself in?".  My discomfort can be acutely painful (and this time it is), or agitating or even nauseatingly, intolerant. My being will reveal its unhappy self through my physical body, my emotional feelings, my mental state or my spiritual longings.  I AM not interested in "Blame" anymore, and I AM encouraging myself to be honest with my feelings, no matter if it is the inner child within me, the rejected teenager, the entitled queen, the compromising servant, or the almighty superhero, trying to be heard.  So, here I AM, taking responsibility for myself and calling in all the beautiful souls whose lives are to touch me in ways that run the spectrum from dark to light. I AM aware that all those who i bring into my life, are through the magnifications of energy i hold within me, whether to meet my own vibrations that are ready to raise through transmutation and healing or through the evolution that my soul is calling out for, that are inevitable, when you consciously seek to receive the blessings from your spiritual guides, guardian Angels and Masters and Mothers of Enlightenment. So here I AM, with a humility that is so grounding. Here I AM, with utter amusement at how life, all of life can be your teacher to help you see what is unseen by you. For quite a few years now,  i have noticed that when a big leap in consciousness is about to happen, i find myself on my ass, or knees looking up, as if the human me is humbled by the Divine me, being "schooled", learning a big lesson for the WHOLE of me.  I really have no say as to how long it will take, but i do know if i SURRENDER and ALLOW and really align my heart with the acceptance that I AM right where i need to be in the moment, and the next and the next, the lesson reveals itself so eloquently. So, I AM patient with the discomfort in my body, my heart and my mind as a reconfiguration takes place, so i can stand more firmly in my divine body, my divine heart and my divine mind as i open to the new wisdom that is taking hold and entering in~

 The following is a message that i channeled during the january 2012 training for Violet Alchemy®. it seemed to give me comfort to read it again~

I AM the light,  the light of spirit within you now, blazing forth through your minds eye,
Illuminating your crown for all to see. 
I AM the light of you, attracting the greater light of God, 
to pour forth into thy crown, to be filled like a holy chalice.
I AM the light of God that knows and sees the truth. 
I AM the light of God moving through your throat, speaking words of wisdom, truth, with clarity and illumination. 
I AM thine own light of divinity pouring from the central core of your being , 
I AM that light  propelling you into action, movement and creation. 
I AM the light that merges with you to bring forth new creations aligned with your own heart, 
the greater heart of your being.   
I AM that light that protect and guides you, creating safety and protection. 

I AM that light that sees, to discern, to be aware that I AM that light within you, 
I AM that light you are, with your mind, with your holy intention and with your heart, aligned with pure self love. 
You align yourself with thy greater holy presence, of the greater you, and beyond. 
Of the greater you, in unity, in oneness we say, the greater you, fully merged with the All in All. 
The greater you, fully connected to the Source of all that is, aligning with thy light, 
with the power, with truth and grace, to serve thyself as a being, remembering and claiming its own divinity. 
Let the God within you protect you. 
Let the God within you guide you.
Let the God within you fully merged with you, in Source, in oneness and unity be your guide.
So let it be done, with grace and clarity with the blessings of peace, 
so let it be done, with the Joy of Oneness, 
so let it be done ,so let it be done, so let it be done.   I AM Lord Maitreya


  1. I try to find comfort in your “surrender”. I can not. I will not. You who have been the Band-Aid to my soul for so many years and now are clouded in some sort of private mystery of pain. While I fifteen hundred miles away can do little to take it from you. I would rather make it mine, whatever it is...?

    We both know the place we hold for each other, in each other...

    Please get well soon. Call me when you can and if you can. Let me know what I can do.

  2. LOVE!!! i wouldnt want you to take this from me~ I AM a woman healing !! i feel 80% better already!! everything i do i do with intensity i am already rising out of my alchemical fire....i just came home from sacred chanting and well you know me....singing heals me ...the universe is simultaneously supporting me while i am learning the lessons and breathing in wisdom now.... your love, it lifts me and my lesson was around feeling supported that when i asked for help ( not easy for me) there would be others reaching there hearts and hands back to me..... and thats what you just did ; ) ~ i will call you soon.
