Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The beginning~

Wow...i did it. I finished creating this blog which was the very last step in getting all the pieces for a new website that has been created....just as Mercury is going direct...i do believe this is a good sign!  I am looking forward to sharing more about the Multi- Dimensions of Violet Alchemy® healing with you ALL in the days to come through my musings, reflections and messages.
We hope you like our new look and the updated information to keep you connected to what we are co-creating and birthing here on a weekly and monthly basis.  www.violetalchemyhealing.com
                                    be back soon..... One love, Om love,  Dona Ho/Ama'zjhi


  1. You are light Devine and a blessing on this Earth. Thank you for you.

    1. hello love....hope you like tonite's post~ thank you for YOU too!!
